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Client Stories

As you would expect, we love working with our wonderful clients, Here are some of the stories of how they've used Squadify to transform their teams and their results. Of course, if you'd like to be part of your own story, just get in touch.

Top team in a multinational

"Using Squadify helped us to find the courage to set bold objectives and to develop the leadership the business needed to deliver extraordinary results." CEO

Senior team leads org culture change

“Our cultural transformation through the last 18 months to a strong performance culture rewarding output over input has enabled us to respond quickly and effectively to the new state of play” MD responding to the progress of the team and to the Covid-19 situation

Product development team in a start-up

“Squadify enabled us to slow down to take time to honestly identify our challenges as a team and address them objectively, then to move forward with deeper trust and a clearer shared vision” Product Owner

Organisation culture refocus on teams

"Squadify gave this important leadership program a foundation of data for the team leaders to act on. This provided the opportunity accelerated learning and get to results faster." - Program Manager

Bringing innovation to healthcare.

“Squadify provided the evidence to support our intuition about how this team was working together. It enabled the team to have real conversations about what mattered and to make decisions fast. They have expanded the scope of their vision to identify growth opportunities for the business served by innovative ideas of service” Squadify Pro

Charity builds collaboration to drive fundraising.

We’re proud to be the first charity to use Squadify and now use it regularly to support our teams to maximize our fundraising which will drive innovation in cancer treatments for children. - Owen Finnegan, CEO

Building teamwork in a group of specialists

“This cultural transformation has delivered greater alignment to the organization strategy, better efficiency in delivering team projects, skill building for all team members as they support each-other to learn and speeded up onboarding of new team members. It’s utterly transformed the team and how they feel about their work and about their team-mates” - Head of Global Regulatory Affairs

Psych Safety drives wellbeing and performance

Squadify has helped us to measure our progress and to keep performance and wellbeing at the heart of our teams. Using Squadify quarterly means it's built in to the way we do business and it complements our annual engagement survey to continually improve teamwork and performance throughout the year. “ - Organization CEO

Business leadership team, Japan

“Over the past 2 years we have worked hard to create a strategic vision and plan for the business and to develop trust and collaboration within the team. Our efforts have been rewarded with renewed confidence from the global business and a recognition of our value to the organization” - MD Japan

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