Squadify success stories

"Squadify gave this important leadership program a foundation of data for the team leaders to act on. This provided the opportunity accelerated learning and get to results faster." - Program Manager

Organisation culture refocus on teams

In the beginning...

High growth tech multinational lacks decision making and action. Too much focus on the individual means opportunities is lost to collaborate and bring diversity to solutions. Recognized a need to refocus on teams to ratchet performance.

Then they chose Squadify...

80 teams across the business used Squadify 3 times and HR leaders were able to identify common strengths and challenges across the business. Whilst there was a strong action orientation and customer focus, the teams tended to lack clear plans to achieve their goals and did not invest time in building trust-based relationships.

The results so far...

Recognition of the importance of teams to deliver performance.

Squadify scores improved upto



Team alignment improved upto

