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Performance is
driven by teams.
Teams are driven
by Squadify.

You need performance and a winning culture.
Squadify gives your teams a data-driven approach
that delivers double-digit performance improvements, fast.

Our Clients

How Squadify can help

Build stronger personal connections

Research shows that when team members have strong personal connections, team performance is improved.

Turn a group of individuals into team

One of the most common problems with teams is that they are not teams at all.

Turn round a struggling team

Squadify can help to put the teams back in charge and back on their feet.

Maintain a high performing team

Squadify's Team Tracker helps identify blockers to performance early and by using Coach on Demand.

Develop team leaders efficiently

Squadify uses a data-driven approach to give team leaders actionable insight on their teams.

Help team to work efficiently

Squadify uses data to continuously pin-point factors that will make the biggest difference

Build a team of teams

Squadify can help to help to build this system through its consulting services.

Accelerate team execution

Squadify helps in diagnosing the issues and then a Squadify Coach solve it using an Accelerator team development module

Build psychological safety

Squadify's Team Tracker allows everyone to have a confidential say on Psychological Safety

Build stronger personal connections

Research shows that when team members have strong personal connections, team performance is improved. But, despite its many advantages, remote working can isolate people and lead to a weakening of these connections.

Squadify can help to identify this issue and provide the coaching and development required to close these gaps and make a tight, high-performing team.

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Turn a group of individuals into team

One of the most common problems with teams is that they are not teams at all. Where team member have strong specialist or vertical roles, they can lose the opportunity to collaborate that can deliver up to 20% improved performance.

Squadify can help to identify these issues and then use Accelerator team development modules to 'turn a team of stars into a star team' by connecting team members and then learn how to use data to continually evolve.

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Turn round a struggling team

Sometimes things just don't go as well as you'd planned. Teams can not quite work many ways and it can be hard to diagnose the problem with the chemistry.

Squadify can help to put these teams back in charge and back on their feet. Data from the Team Tracker, supported by a Coach on Demand and Accelerators as needed can rapidly make a difference.

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Maintain a high performing team

Some teams are mission-critical - they cannot fail. Very often, these teams have honed their craft and are genuinely high-performing but how to you protect them from external or internal changes?

Squadify's Team Tracker helps identify blockers to performance early and by using Coach on Demand, you have a team-whisperer at your side to keep an eye on things.

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Develop team leaders efficiently

Teams are the essential building block of organisational performance and team leaders play a vital role in building health teams. It's not an easy job, though, and the budget is often available to fund traditional development.
Squadify has turned team leader development on its head. Rather than the 'train and hope' approach of old, Squadify uses a data-driven approach to give team leaders actionable insight on their teams so that they can take appropriate action (and learn from the results) and Squadify Connects gives them a year of micro podcasts and experiments in the workplace to build their leadership capability.

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Help team to work efficiently

Some teams know what they are trying to achieve and they have good people but they just can't quite click as a team.

Squadify uses data to continuously pin-point what's not working so that the team can focus on the one or two factors that will make the biggest difference. Squadify Coach on Demand, Accelerator team development modules and Squadify Connects microlearning can all help to close the gaps.

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Build a team of teams

Today's complex business environment means that organisations have to handle ambiguity and act rapidly to meet ever-changing needs. They often find that their structure and the way the organise themselves stands in the way.

The next generation of organisation design is a 'team of teams' where the team itself takes the leads is able to rapidly pivot and bring others with them. Squadify can help to help to build this system through its consulting services and then provide the organisation-level data to keep it performing, whatever the external world throws at it.

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Accelerate team execution

If a team doesn't execute effectively together, it is not delivering but many teams don't have a way to get things done as one.

Squadify can help to diagnose this issue and then a Squadify Coach solve it using an Accelerator team development module on agile execution. This approach has been honed over 5 years of real-world application of agile principles and delivers a team that always knows what it is working on (and not working on) and is continuously learning to accelerate.

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Build psychological safety

Psychological safety exists when team members feel part of the team, can make mistakes and learn and also challenge without fear of retribution. It's not just a ;nice to have': it is a key driver of performance: Google's Project Aristotle identified Psychological Safety as the foundation of effective teams.

Squadify's Team Tracker allows everyone to have a confidential say on Psychological Safety and then teams can use Coach on Demand, Accelerators and Connects to close the gap on this essential team condition.

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Our Products

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Squadify's global clients consistently report double-digit improvements in team health and performance metrics.

Accelerated Productivity

Squadify users report a 10% increase in productivity

Increased Engagement

Squadify users report 11% growth in team engagement

Increased Performance

Squadify users report 13% uplift in performance year on year.

Increased Connectedness

Squadify users report better connected teams and up to 60%
improvement in happiness at work.

Why people love Squadify

Over the past 2 years we have worked hard to create a strategic vision and plan for the business and to develop trust and collaboration within the team. Our efforts have been rewarded with renewed confidence from the global business and a recognition of our value to the organisation.

MD, Pharmaceuitical Company, Japan

Healthcare MD

Squadify has helped us to measure our progress and to keep performance and wellbeing at the heart of our teams. Using Squadify quarterly means it’s built in to the way we do business and it complements our annual engagement survey to continually improve teamwork and performance throughout the year.

Rebecca Pinkstone, CEO, Bridge Housing

Healthcare MD

This cultural transformation has delivered greater alignment to the organisation strategy, better efficiency in delivering team projects, skill building for all team members as they support each-other to learn, and speeded up onboarding of new team members. It’s utterly transformed the team and how they feel about their work and about their team-mates.

Head of Global Regulatory Affairs, Top 10 pharmaceutical company

Healthcare MD

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