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Psychological safety.​
Great for your people. Great for your performance.

🌟 Webinar Alert 🌟

TOPIC: Understand the new laws on Psychosocial Hazards and create safe, productive workplaces

Over 45% of adults will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. The workplace is no exception, and it's where we spend a significant portion of our day. Yet, psychosocial risks often fly under the radar, affecting employee well-being, productivity, and even leading to legal consequences for businesses. Psychological safety is not a 'nice to have'. And it’s not about being 'nice’. It’s the key to engagement, well-being and organisational performance. Recent legislation in Australia has made organisations responsible for mitigating Psychosocial Risks - are you ready?

🔍 What are Psychosocial Risks?
Psychosocial risks include stress, workload management, bullying, and lack of support that can lead to serious mental health issues. Navigating these risks isn't just about policy—it's about creating a culture that promotes mental wellness and supports employees at every level.

What the recorded webinar dives into:
* Identifying psychosocial risks in the workplace
* Understanding the legal framework in Australia for managing these risks
* Practical steps for creating a supportive work environment
* Live Q&A session with a leading legal expert Ian Bennett and co-founder of Squadify Pia Lee

Why Attend?
Hear from a lawyer specialising in occupational health and safety! Gain insights into the latest legal requirements and standards for workplace mental health in Australia. Learn how to effectively implement strategies that mitigate psychosocial risks.

👥 Who Should Attend?
Business owners, HR professionals, Health and Safety officers, team leaders, and anyone interested in improving workplace culture and compliance should not miss this.

Meet your hosts

Ian Bennett is an experienced workplace lawyer specialising in employee relations, work health and safety (WHS) and coronial inquests. He provides practical and pragmatic advice to help employers effectively manage complex legal issues arising in the workplace.

Pia Lee began her career as a teacher but has spent the past 30 years consulting in leadership to CEOs, governments and executive teams around the world. Pia loves making a difference and geeks out on team solutions, psychometric tools and assessment frameworks that helps teams to thrive.

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Psychological Safety – it’s a non-negotiable for organisational performance. How are you building a Psychologically Safe workplace? 

Squadify's Team Tracker allows everyone to have a confidential say on Psychological Safety.
Book a discovery call to find out more!

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