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Episode 85 - Harnessing the power of silence

Show Notes

Silence can have a profound impact on our relationships and productivity. By incorporating moments of silence into our interactions and meetings, we can create a sense of focus, concentration, and psychological safety. Silence allows us to truly listen to each-other, deepen our understanding, and foster meaningful connections. It’s a powerful tool that can enhance team dynamics and promote effective communication.

This week's guest is Bastian Overgaard, author of the book Noise Free, consultant and teacher with a passion for promoting and facilitating silence in social interactions. Bastian believes that silence can enhance relationships, promote mindfulness, and create psychological safety. He conducts workshops and team-building exercises to help individuals and teams harness the power of silence for improved communication and collaboration.

Takeaways from Dan and Pia

Three reasons to listen

  • Discover the surprising benefits of incorporating silence into team dynamics and communication.
  • Learn how intentional moments of silence can enhance relationships, foster creativity, and improve decision-making.
  • Explore different types of silence, including restorative, relational, and reflective, and how to apply them in various settings.

Episode highlights

  • [00:09:07] Discovering the power of silence
  • [00:19:48] The danger of meetings without silence
  • [00:23:55] Equal speaking time
  • [00:29:14] Where and when to add silence to your meetings
  • [00:33:29] Where silence is being deployed right now
  • [00:38:10] Takeaways from Pia and Dan


Meet the guests

Too much time is spend on people talking too much about too little. Clear communication, trust and high performance-teamwork is crucial if we want to reach our goals and create value in turbulent times. Therefore future workplaces must think different to reduce ineffective “noise” in meetings. This is what Bastian Overgaard talks about based on his new book “Støjfri Ledelse” (“Noisefree Leadership). His critically acclaimed book went straight to the bestseller lists in Denmark, and the international edition is on its way (titled “NOISE FREE: RETHINKING HOW WE TALK”). Bastian Overgaard's silent performance concept is used in some of the largest companies and organizations – and challenge how we communicate more effectively and have meetings that saves time and mental energy.