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Episode 29 - Happiness in teams

Show Notes

If you look after your employees, your customers will be happier, and you’ll make more money. That’s the hypothesis Matt Phelan took, inspired by Richard Branson. But with that hypothesis in place, where’s the data to back it up? Before founding the Happiness Index, Matt began working with animals, then studied marketing, starting his own digital marketing agency just before the 2008 financial crash. As someone used to tracking the efficacy of digital campaigns, he began to explore how the assumption that happier employees meant more money could be proven.

Takeaways from Dan and Pia

  • Relationships are the primary driver of happiness.
  • Humans have set points – almost predetermined levels of happiness we return to, after a peak or a trough.
  • Bring a happy person into an unhappy team, and that person’s happiness will dip.
  • To build better relationships, we need to express our emotions.


Meet the guests

Matt Phelan is a co-founder and Head of Global Happiness at The Happiness Index. In his day- to-day role, he is responsible for the global expansion of the business. Matt is founder of The Happiness and Humans Community, host of the Happiness and Humans podcast and author of Freedom To Be Happy: The Business Case For Happiness (Independently published; October 30, 2020). Matt Phelan is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD Magazine.
His belief is that the Future of Technology is Human. Matt is on a mission to improve the way organisations treat people.