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Episode 2 - Teams in a work-from-anywhere world

Show Notes

Empathic leadership is what's needed in a globally-distributed workforce, and replacing water-cooler moments isn't as simple as organising more mandatory Zoom calls. This week, Dan and Pia talk remote collaboration with Sydney-based Michelle Zimany, Human Resources leader for the pharmaceutical company Sanofi. They discuss the loss of spontaneity and serendipity in the age where people only meet on Zoom, and missing those moments to have a quick chat while getting a coffee. Michelle shares some of the events she's running and participating in within her organisation, to help people feel more connected without a feeling of enforced fun. She, Pia and Dan discuss the change in attitudes to work attire, and how rigid corporate thinking has given way to understanding and tolerance, now that so many of us are sharing our homes virtually.

Takeaways from Dan and Pia

Meet the guests

Michelle is the Director of Human Resources at Sanofi Australia and New Zealand. She is a Human Resources professional with over 20 years experience in HR Leadership in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. She loves working with exceptional people whose passion to deliver on their shared purpose means they are constantly striving to be the best they can be.